It's Special Education Week
Children with special needs don't have an illness, so there is no cure and it's not contagious. They want what we all want, to be accepted.It's Special Education week and a good friend of mine asked if I would copy and paste this! So I have! as its something very close to my heart.
When I was a little girl I was dyslexic and I remember feeling very isolated and insecure.I went to a private school but they had no undertsanding about the issue back then, so I really suffered the consequences. I was lonely and very afraid. Thankfully by the time I was thirteen one teacher took an interest! her name was Sam! She was a quite women who used her break time to give me one to one support. I will always remember her kindness.
So to those of you who work with special needs children "YOU MAKE A HUGH DIFFERANCE"! THANK YOU! on behalf of all the children that you support! They will ALWAYS remember you!
By Vivian
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